Saturday, January 28, 2006

Rose dying of thirst.

L & R

Cards in the Sand.

Sibs in the Sand.


Mom & Rose.


Burying Ryan.




Me trying to sled on cardboard.

Zander "sledding."


Leaving the Bus.

Four Little Feet.


Pit Mining.


Aerial view of monoliths.

Heavy Rainstorm.

Sand and Mountains.

I really enjoyed the knarled quality of the plants and trees.

Here are a bunch of photos from White Sands National Monument, from the Christmas trip up to Boulder.

Saturday, January 21, 2006



Ryan and Nora at the hot springs.

Rose at Villenova Hot Springs.

My new house.

Zander at a State


Nora crossing the icy river.

Busy Life

Well, it’s been a long, long time since I’ve posted. Life has been busy. Kelly and I had a great Christmas up at Anna’s with the whole Woof family. We also traveled to Bryn Athyn, where we were betrothed, and had great visits with lots of awesome friends. And now it’s back to work, and for Kelly, school.

Other news here is that we won’t be able to be married on the mountain, for a few reasons. (Call me to get the details, if anyone is interested). But Sunrise Chapel is also beautiful, and we’re getting excited about possibilities there. I’ll post a few older photos, and maybe some new ones soon.