Monday, March 20, 2006


"Sweet Violet"

"Last Year's Model"

Here are some photos from Tucson Botanical Gardens from awhile back. This is a crested Saguaro, which is when the cactus spreads out vertically, rather than continuing to grow upward. Lots of catus wrens nesting in this one.

A Long, Long, Long, Time.

Ok. It’s been awhile. I’ve been one poor correspondent. And two too hard to find. Or something like that.

I’ll try to catch up a little in the next few days, if I can squeeze the time. Major news here is that I’ve been promoted, and am now more-or-less running the solar-electric installations for my company. I’m liking it a lot, finding it challenging but rewarding.

Also, Kelly and I looking to buy a car, and are pretty well settled on a ’98 Toyota 4Runner. If all checks out OK at my mechanic, we’ll buy it. It’s exciting, but the costs sure do pile up…