Monday, September 18, 2006

Meryl explaining something. I forget what.

Louis and Jared.

Meryl & Rachel.



The spread of food.

Dinner with Jared, Bess, Meryl and Rachel

We stayed with Jared and Bess at the cabin they were at, which happened to be where Rachel and Meryl were working. We had a fun lobster dinner together.

This ship was in Pirates of the Caribean. I forget her name.

Explanation, Ryan? What is this rig?


J & B.





Common fuzzy puffin.

The small island where the puffins live

Boat. Ryan, supply details, please. :-)

Catholic Church in Boothbay Harbor.

Puffin Cruise with Jared & Bess

After leaving Grandma & Grandpa's, we went to visit Jared & Bess Alden, Rachel Gardam, and Meryl Cowley in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. One day we went on a Puffin watching cruise with Jared and Bess. It was fun, though the puffins in real life are pretty small. I didn't get any very good photos. I bet Jared did, though.


Lighthouse from the Rocks.




I miss the water out here in AZ... I was good to see an ocean. Not my ocean, but good.

A "One-Lunger," of the "Make and Break Harbour" fame. They used these one-cylinder engines on old lobster boats.

Kelly in the lighthouse.

Me in the top of the lighthouse.

This shot is looking down from the lighthouse, over the bell tower. The lighthouse is still in operation, but they let you climb up into it. Pretty neat!

Ok, it's been much too long since I blogged. I'm going to gradually attempt to catch up. Here are a few more from Kelly and my trip east. We spent most of a day visiting Pemiquid Point Lighthouse. Here are some pics.

Pemiquid Point Lighthouse

Pemiquid Point Lighthouse