Sunday, November 12, 2006

Air Force One.

Blackbird from the front.

A lot of thrust from this baby...

Kelly and the Blackbird.

This Lockhead Connie was restored by former TWA employees, and painted in TWA livery. What a beautiful machine.

Skycrane. Pretty neat grasshopper.

Another of the Vomit Comet.

NASA "Super Guppy." I believe they used this to transport Saturn V rocket parts.

NASA "Vomit Comet," used for weightless training. They flew a "sad parabola," and experienced weightlessness for about 30 seconds.

The News From Lake Tucson

It’s been a quiet week in Tucson. The weather has been gorgeous, with a touch of fall in the air. After days of 80 degree temperatures, 70 feels pretty nice. This afternoon Kelly and I went to the Tucson Botanical Gardens. I just renewed our membership, but we hadn’t been in awhile. It was great to walk around.

Kelly brought her new camera, and took photos, and I took some with my trusty Olympus. I’ll post some soon.

Last Sunday, we made it out to the Pima Air and Space Museum. They have a lot of great aircraft there. Historic civilian and military, an Air Force One from the Johnson and Kennedy era, a SR-71 Blackbird, and a lot of other great stuff. I’ll post photos now.