Thursday, September 27, 2007


It’s been a busy week here… I’m in the thick of the two classes I’m taking, calculus III and second semester of general chemistry. I just had my first test in calc. I think I did ok, but not great. I like the teacher, but she’s very different from teacher I had for the first two calc classes I took, and seems harder on the grading. So it’s a bit of an adjustment.

Calculus is interesting—we have mostly been working with vectors, which is fun. We are starting to get rolling on multivariable equations, where there are multiple inputs, and a single output. I find that I’m understanding concepts pretty well, but having some trouble applying them, and particularly in remembering equations. My math skills are fine, but I wish that I’d gotten some algebra and trig a little more down before I launched into calc. But it’ll work.

I’m taking chemistry online, which I like. Last term I was pretty much learning from the book anyway, so it’s not that different, and I’m not spending time in lecture that’s only marginally useful. I took the first test a couple of weeks ago, and managed to get something like 18 out of twenty. Not bad.