Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Field on the Way Out

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Turbine and Evaporator

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Pretty, Eh?

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Tracking System

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Chris Checking Out Mirror Temperature

The mirrors reflect light well enough that they absorb very little heat. They are warm to the touch, but not hot.

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Coworker Charlotte

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Coworkers and the Racking System

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Jeff Explaining

Jeff, who is the plant manager of the whole, and was highly involved in getting the solar project going gave us a great tour. He was very informative and a great guy.

You can see the receiver tube. Pipe inside, encircled by a glass tube that has a vacuum drawn on it. The heat exchange fluid is a mineral oil, so it's non-toxic.
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Mirrors, tracking systems, etc.

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APS Solar Plant

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to tour a concentrating solar plant built a couple years ago by one of the utilities here in Arizona. It's a trough-type system, with a 1MW turbine. Pretty cool stuff. I enjoyed seeing the engineering of the racking and mirrors. They have it well engineered enough that it takes a very minimal amount of maintenance--pretty much a washing of the mirrors once in awhile, and general stuff. Enjoy the photos!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

