Saturday, July 31, 2004

The Weekend at Last--Sort of

Phew. It's been a bit of a bear of a week. First I was sick on Monday, then by yesterday afternoon, I had worked about 43 hours, in three days, as well as stayed up late on Thursday night getting my NAPCEP application all finished. But now it's done, and in the mail.

Yesterday, I worked with Tyler and Jeff on a system out in Vail, which is about 40 minutes out of Tucson. It was a some solar hot water systems, which needed installation/repair, because they hadn't originally been installed correctly. It went fine, though I'm hoping to be a bit quicker at some of the hot water stuff in the future.

In other news, Kelly is going to be bringing a African drumming master to the church here next Wednesday. That should be a lot of fun. He's a guy who we drove a couple of hours to see a few months ago, and was pretty fun. I'm hoping that she'll get a good turnout, since it's a bit short notice. I'm hoping I can make it, but it conflicts with my drawing class, so I'm not totally sure. I'd like to skip out on my drawing class, but that may not work. I guess I'll figure it out...

In other news, I'm feeling pretty directionless with my life right now. I've been taking this one drawing class, and enjoying it some, but it's not been my thing yet. I don't know if this is just because it's a kind of preliminary deal, and I would enjoy graphic design as I get more involved, or if my mind is just not suited to it. I find it very hard to shut off the thinking part of my mind, which seems to be necessary for this kind of work. My teacher has definitely noticed this, and has commented on it several times. Last class, he said something to the effect of, "Louis, if you can't relax, and get your head out of the way, this just isn't going to fly for you."

Of course, that made me think of one of the main other draws in my life right now--flying. Even though I haven't done much flying since I headed off to college, it is still a persistent draw. And I do notice that I do kind of "light up" when I talk about flying. So at this point, I'm feeling like I "should" be finishing a degree, and graphic design seems to be what is in front of me. However, I don't really want to much, and I am wondering if I should ditch graphic design, (at least for the moment), and spend a little time flying, and figuring out if that's what I really want to do.

Ah, life. It's good, but filled with much too much confusion at times. On the positive side, I am enjoying my work, and am feeling appreciated and respected my co-workers. And I'm not nearly so tired as I was, after a good night's sleep.

Next on my plate: Clean my room, go out and do a couple of errands, and do some homework for my drawing class.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Ok. I now have blog. An interesting, and perhaps useful concept. However, I suspect that a blog, like any other type of communication, can be a huge time sink, which is not something I need right now. But in any case...

Well, my life is running in about three directions at the moment, and I'm not sure which way I'm going yet. Drawing class is taking not too much time, but I should be spending more time getting myself up to speed. Work is busy. Yesterday I worked a 12.5 hour day, finally getting a Seisco installed and back to the shop at 7:00. That's ok sometimes, but I also had to finish a sketchbook assignment for today's art class. Which I finished, but not as well as I would have liked to.

And to crown it all, I really need to get my application for the NABCEP exam in. I'm hoping to get in done tonight, which is one good reason I should wrap this up for the moment.