Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Back to Class

I had my first class on the term tonight, from 7:30 to 9:20. It should be pretty much a piece of cake, for a couple of reasons. I had the same teacher for my computer class last term, and he takes things pretty slow. The class in on Quark Express, which is a layout program, and is somewhat similar to Adobe Indesign, which is what I learned in my last class. I’m glad it’s going to be easy, since I have lots of prep to do for Costa Rica, and I’m going to be missing two classes when I’m in Costa Rica.

I’m am also feeling a little frustrated that I’m not doing more school. Many of my friends are graduating or close to this year. I suppose that I have had a lot of good job and life experience these past couple of years, but I wonder if I should be farther along. Oh well. Such is life.

In other news, my apartment is more clean than it was, which is good. And I should post more photos soon. I don’t have many of my trip to BA, but I still have some I took while at work that are pretty cool. But at the moment, I’m home, without fast internet, so photos will have to wait.


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