Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Desert Sunburst

Desert Sunburst
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

I shot this around five. I like that time of day. Especially when there are clouds around.

Late Afternoon Light

Late Afternoon Light
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

This is looking east, on the way back from Chiva Falls.

Kevin Slinging Mud

Kevin Slinging Mud
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Having fun with 2WD.

View From the Top of the Falls

View From the Top of the Falls
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Chiva Falls Two

Chiva Falls Two
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Shot of the falls from the south side of the falls.

Kelly Riding on Back

Kelly Riding on Back
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Aren't I lucky?

Christine and Kelly

Christine and Kelly
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Being cousins, Kelly and Christine are always up to something. Or laughing about something.

Kevin and Louis

Kevin and Louis
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Although it's hard to tell, we're right behind the waterfall.

Chiva Falls One

Chiva Falls One
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Lots of water from recent rains.

Louis and Kelly

Louis and Kelly
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

I like this one...

Kevin Driving Over Rock, Kelly Riding

Kevin Driving Over Rock, Kelly Riding
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

This certainly isn't one of the roughest bits we went over, but I like the photo.


Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Desert. I'm getting slightly jaded about desert scenes. Anyone still interested?

Off-Roading with Kevin and Christine

Last Sunday Kelly and I went off-roading with Kevin and Christine. It was a great time—great to hang out with them, and nice to get out in nature. We went to a place called Chiva Falls. Since it has rained a lot recently, there was lots of water going over. Here are a few photos.

Saturday, February 12, 2005


I feel like it’s about time that I posted a musing/thoughtful post. After all, pictures are worth a thousand words, but it doesn’t really take me that long to write a thousand words. If anyone will read them in another question, of course.

I managed to get some more Costa Rica preparation done today, which is good. I haven’t been the best about motivating myself to get that done. I find that my motivation for a lot of stuff isn’t at a peak at this point. Partly I think it’s the February blahs, and partly it’s that work and school keep me plenty busy.

In any case, I’m closer to where I need to be, but I would like to be farther. I’ve got a good chunk of my presentation for Solar Hot Water done. I feel good about it so far, but am starting to get a bit nervous about actually presenting it in Costa Rica. I know the material fairly well, but I don’t have as much experience in a variety of systems as I would like, so I hope the students don’t stump me too much.