Saturday, February 12, 2005


I feel like it’s about time that I posted a musing/thoughtful post. After all, pictures are worth a thousand words, but it doesn’t really take me that long to write a thousand words. If anyone will read them in another question, of course.

I managed to get some more Costa Rica preparation done today, which is good. I haven’t been the best about motivating myself to get that done. I find that my motivation for a lot of stuff isn’t at a peak at this point. Partly I think it’s the February blahs, and partly it’s that work and school keep me plenty busy.

In any case, I’m closer to where I need to be, but I would like to be farther. I’ve got a good chunk of my presentation for Solar Hot Water done. I feel good about it so far, but am starting to get a bit nervous about actually presenting it in Costa Rica. I know the material fairly well, but I don’t have as much experience in a variety of systems as I would like, so I hope the students don’t stump me too much.


Blogger Rose said...

Good luck getting it all done!

3:17 PM, February 13, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll be great!


7:06 PM, February 14, 2005  

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