Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The News From Tucson

Ok, it’s been awhile. My camera is still out of commission, so I’ll have to actually write something before I head off for class.

My news of the moment is that I’m heading up to Washington to sing with the family at Northwest Folklife Festival. I’m looking forward to that. I’m taking a week-and-a-half off of work, which will be nice.

I’m also home sick today. I wasn’t dying, or anything, but I am feeling very low energy, and worn out. 52 hours of work last week, plus another few on the New Church Life project. I’m ready for a break, but work keeps coming. Oh well.

I’m almost finished with school. I have one more project to do, a final exam, and a practical in-class exam. Shouldn’t really be too bad, though. I’ll be glad to be done. Not that it’s particularly hard, just having one less thing to balance will be nice.

Let’s see… In other news, I’m looking forward to the Tucson Folk Festival. Aztec Two-Step is headlining, and I’m sure there will be lots of other good stuff. I might also take a short overnight camping trip.


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