Tuesday, May 31, 2005

This is a marshy island between Lummi and Bellingham. I'm not sure of its name.

Mount Baker from the Air

Succia, with Many, Many Boaters

Samish Island in the foreground, and Lummi and Others in the Background



Guemes and Surrounding Islands from the Air.

Flying Again

Sunday afternoon, I got to go flying out at Skagit Regional Airport. First I flew with my instructor Carl, who taught be how to fly. It was great to see him, and catch up a bit. We flew up to Bellingham, because I need to buy a new Seattle Sectional Chart. When we got there, Carl arranged a tower visit, since he knows one of the controllers in the tower. It was neat to see the airport from another perspective, and we had fun chatting with the controllers on duty.

Nobody on the field had any Seattle Sectionals in stock, so we headed back to Skagit. After that, I took Mom on a bit of an Island tour flight. We flew over Guemes, up past Eastsound Airport, and almost out to Patmos Island. From there, we headed south again, by the east side of Lummi, and back to Skagit. It was great to get out over the Islands again. I had sort of forgotten how beautiful it can be out here. I’ll miss it when I’m back in AZ.

I also had a chance to do about an hour of touch-and-gos. I felt pretty good about how they went, and more comfortable with the plane then I have in a long time. I’ll post a couple of flying pics in a few minutes.

Ryan Wearing my Sunglasses.

Claire and Nora on the Way Back From Folklife.

Rose, Nora, Claire and I went to see Reilly and Maloney. The place was packed, and lots of folks had to stand outside. They played a great show. Afterwards they played outside for those that couldn't get in.

Zander is all ready to go to San Francisco...

Another flower; no hair.

Doggie by the Intiman Theatre Courtyard Stage.

Ryan and Papa sort of tried busking, but they only got one dollar. From me. But I took it back. :)

Three Boys Brave the Water.


Monday, May 30, 2005

Running Kid.

Running Around the Fountain.

More Fountain Playing.

It was amazing how many interesting feet were at Folklife.

The Rides Right by the Space Needle.

Sometimes I feel like I'm only half there...

Space Needle and Center House at Night.

Another Space Needle Shot.

Three sitting.

Kids at the Fountain.

Mother and child at the fountain.

Rose and I saw a print of the National Geographic photo of an Afghan girl, and decided to recreate it.


Kids Hanging Out

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Flags Over Folklife.

Detail of some of the banners at Folklife.

These folks had some great African Stuff.

Beautiful Baskets

Rose reminded me how interesting fabric can be.

In between singing and hanging out with siblings and other folk, Rose and I also had time to take a bunch of photos. It was great fun, and good to expand taking people pics, which I'm not too used to.

Bee on a Flower

Water on the Fountain.

Rose, Nora and Claire

Saturday, May 28, 2005


Claire in front of the bus.

Night shot of the Space Needle.

Benson and Rose. Benson came down and dropped off Rose Thursday night, and was able to hang out for a little while before heading back to Bellingham.

Seattle Skyline. Port of Seattle cranes on the left, Safeco Field and the Space Needle in the middle, and other buildings on the right.

Brice Canyon Wilderness Area, in Utah, from the Alaska 737.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Mesquite tree up close.

