Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Flying Again

Sunday afternoon, I got to go flying out at Skagit Regional Airport. First I flew with my instructor Carl, who taught be how to fly. It was great to see him, and catch up a bit. We flew up to Bellingham, because I need to buy a new Seattle Sectional Chart. When we got there, Carl arranged a tower visit, since he knows one of the controllers in the tower. It was neat to see the airport from another perspective, and we had fun chatting with the controllers on duty.

Nobody on the field had any Seattle Sectionals in stock, so we headed back to Skagit. After that, I took Mom on a bit of an Island tour flight. We flew over Guemes, up past Eastsound Airport, and almost out to Patmos Island. From there, we headed south again, by the east side of Lummi, and back to Skagit. It was great to get out over the Islands again. I had sort of forgotten how beautiful it can be out here. I’ll miss it when I’m back in AZ.

I also had a chance to do about an hour of touch-and-gos. I felt pretty good about how they went, and more comfortable with the plane then I have in a long time. I’ll post a couple of flying pics in a few minutes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patos, not Patmos.

Peatmoss Pa

2:21 PM, May 31, 2005  
Blogger Louiswoof said...

Aw shoot. And here I was hoping I was going to get some revelation, or something.

1:36 PM, June 02, 2005  

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