Monday, June 27, 2005

More Water.

Lex and Louis

Kelly and Louis


Stonen in the Stream

Kelly through a culvert.

Kelly hiking in the rain, with Lex on the trail ahead.

Kelly by one of the waterfalls.

Kelly in the Rain, with Lex in the background.

Another waterfall photo.

There were lots of blossuming wild strawberries.

Lex resting.

You can never have too many waterfall pictures, right?

The crew at lunchtime. Darn blade of grass jumped into the photo...

Louis sitting.

Lex getting water from the stream.

The path slightly less traveled

Winding Stream.

Into the mountains.

Louis. We got rained on for awhile, so I was all panchoed up.

Louis and Lex

Kelly and Louis


Lots of people fishing on this stream. Trout, I guess.

Not the most striking photo in the world, but some very beautiful trees.

This was at the start of the trail.

The campsite.

Salt River Canyon walls.

Lex and Kelly at Salt River Canyon.

Mount Baldy Trip

Friday Lex, Kelly and I headed up north to the Mount Baldy Wilderness Area. It’s up in NE Arizona, about thirty miles from Show Low. And about four hours from Tucson. After Kelly and I went food shopping in the morning, we all packed up, and headed out.

About six we arrived at the campground, and after carefully choosing, found a great campsite. Saturday, after a leisurely morning, we head out for a hike. We got rained on, saw some great scenery, etc. But I’ve got pictures to prove that.

All in all, it was a great trip, and a relief to get out the city, and back out into nature. And trees and water make me pretty dang happy.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Well, I took about 40 photos, hoping to catch lightening. This is the only one that had lightening in it. I'll have to try again soon.

I took this on my walk in the rain...

This afternoon, this bird was hanging out on my windowsill for awhile.

First Monsoon

We had our first real monsoon rain here in Tucson tonight. It’s been threatening for a couple of days, and some of the other parts of town got some, but I’d seen only a drop or two at my apartment. But tonight it came down strong, although for a short time.

I went outside, and tried to take photos of the lightening, and then took a walk in the rain. I really like this time of rain, smelling the desert smells, even in the middle of the city. It’s a big stress reliever for me, and kind of makes me feel that all is right with the world.

What I do miss, though, is actually feeling like I’m out in the weather, without all the city, streets, and cars around. It’s just not the same as standing out in the desert, or hiking through the forest, or something like that. The good news is, Lex, Kelly and I are going camping this weekend, so I’ll have a chance to get outdoors, and get a little more connected to nature again. I can tell I haven’t been getting out there enough, but I haven’t had the time to do anything about it.

Monday, June 20, 2005

This photo of Kelly is from awhile back, but I liked it so much that I printed it out. And I thought I'd post it here too.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I took Kelly flying last Sunday. We went to see the north side of the Catlinas. Here Kelly is taking a turn flying.

By the way, these lights were at a local park. Here's one of the lights, with lake in the background.

Looking straight down.

A couple week ago I did some service to some lights, using a 33' sissors lift. I had to give the full extension a try. And I took a few photos.

Two guys from the local army base came to help for the day. Here one of the is setting one of the modules.

Two volunteers removing knockouts and installing conduit fittings into the solar electric modules.

Yesterday I supervised a solar-electric installation on a Habitat for Humanity house down near Sierra Vista. This guy, Gary, is a volunteer for Habitat.

I keep meaning to post of my volunteer sweet potato plant. I left it sitting too long, and it sprouted, so I planted it. Now it's growing up my string of lights, and through my blinds. I like.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Zander and Claire playing in the pond.

A macro forest scene.


Barb and Michael have a very cute puppy name "Pocket." Here are Zander, Barb, and Pocket playing.