Thursday, June 23, 2005

First Monsoon

We had our first real monsoon rain here in Tucson tonight. It’s been threatening for a couple of days, and some of the other parts of town got some, but I’d seen only a drop or two at my apartment. But tonight it came down strong, although for a short time.

I went outside, and tried to take photos of the lightening, and then took a walk in the rain. I really like this time of rain, smelling the desert smells, even in the middle of the city. It’s a big stress reliever for me, and kind of makes me feel that all is right with the world.

What I do miss, though, is actually feeling like I’m out in the weather, without all the city, streets, and cars around. It’s just not the same as standing out in the desert, or hiking through the forest, or something like that. The good news is, Lex, Kelly and I are going camping this weekend, so I’ll have a chance to get outdoors, and get a little more connected to nature again. I can tell I haven’t been getting out there enough, but I haven’t had the time to do anything about it.


Blogger Anna said...

I hope you have/had a great trip! I wanted to call you today, but my mouth was pretty swollen for the talking thing. THansk for calling yesterday though. :) Meant a lot to me.
have a great weekend!
lots of love,

8:29 PM, June 24, 2005  

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