Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Hiking on Kelly’s Birthday

Sunday was Kelly’s 23rd birthday, and celebrated it in good style with a hike. Sunday morning, I got up at 6:00. Kendra Smith was coming on the hike, but was out at some friends house out by Three Points, which is about 50 minutes drive. I drove out there and picked her up, and headed to Kelly’s house.

A little later, Lex (Kelly’s dad), James (brother), Kendra, Kelly and I headed out. Our hike was at Aravaipa Wilderness Area. Aravaipa is a canyon about an hour and a half from Tucson. The canyon has a year-round stream in it. This time of year, it’s pretty deserted because of the heat. We almost had the place to ourselves.

At first, you walk about a mile through a section of Nature Conservancy property, and then to the wilderness area. For part of the way there are trails, but you have to walk through the stream at some points, which is of course fun.

After hiking for an hour or so, we stopped and ate lunch and played in the water, took naps, took photos, etc. By this time, it was early afternoon. We hiked on for another half hour or so, seeing some more great scenery. The canyon walls rose around us as we splashed through the water.

The hike back to the truck was quicker, and we made it back to Kelly’s house around 5:00. I’ll post a bunch of photos, and then write a bit about the rest of the day.


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