Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Ok, the exciting news is that as of Saturday night, Kelly and I are engaged! I would love to tell the story to any of you via e-mail or phone. And maybe I’ll blog more about it soon, but life at the moment is certainly busy.


Blogger Anna said...

Hee, hee! It's so exciting! :)
Any photos of the engament night, or day after? You know, of the smiling engaged couple? :)
YAY! Love you guys!

7:34 PM, August 17, 2005  
Blogger Ryan said...

That's awesome. I don't know quite how to put it into words, but I think about it and it makes me smile.
Love you lots,


9:26 PM, August 17, 2005  
Blogger Islandlassie said...

Pretty much what Ryan said:) I'm so happy for you guys!



8:28 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger claire said...

Pretty much what Nora said :-)
I love you so much!

9:02 AM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger Zander said...

Sweet I'm so excited


6:00 PM, August 18, 2005  
Blogger Louiswoof said...

Thanks Anna, Ryan, Nora, Claire, and Zander! Anna, Lex did take a couple of photos on Sunday, but I don't have them. Maybe soon. Kelly and I are going to hang out tomorrow, maybe I'll take some photos, and you guys can tell me if we look any different. :-)

I love you all, and Kelly and I are both looking forward to seeing you as soon as we can.

5:27 PM, August 19, 2005  

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