Monday, August 29, 2005

Wedding Spot

Ok, I promised to post photos of the probable wedding spot. So I’m going to. Kelly and I went up to the mountain again on Sunday, to look it over again, and think about it. We’ve pretty much decided that it’s the spot, pending figuring out logistics, forest service permit, etc.

We’ve also asked Frank Rose to do the service, which will be good. And June 3rd is the day, if anyone is marking their calendars. We both feel good about both of these decisions. Now the major stuff is set, it’ll be good to just chill for a little bit, and gradually get stuff done.

Of course, with Kelly already back to school, and my first day of classes on the 7th, I don’t suspect that there will really be much time to chill, but anyhow… I’ll be taking a Creative Thinking class, and a design class. Should be fun.


Blogger Anna said...

Yay! Exciting, exciting!!!

6:18 PM, August 29, 2005  
Blogger claire said...


8:06 AM, August 30, 2005  
Blogger Louiswoof said...

Sure is!

6:37 PM, August 30, 2005  

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