Saturday, September 24, 2005

I’m Not Dead Yet!

Ok folks, I’m really not dead. Just busy. Kelly and Emily asked me why I hadn’t posted anything to my blog for a long time. I said to Kelly,  “Because I haven’t been doing anything.” Which isn’t exactly accurate. I just haven’t been taking photos of anything. (Well, almost. I do have a couple of photos to post).

Last week, work was pretty dang crazy. This week, work was ok, but I was sick, getting really bad headaches. I quit early on Thursday, and took Friday off to rest, and get to a chiropractor. I was going to go to a doctor, but wasn’t able to find someone who would take me on short notice. It was just as well, since I feel a lot better after being adjusted. And Kelly has been doing a lot of Reiki on me, which helps tremendously.


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