Saturday, September 10, 2005

Leaves. I love textures.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Louis
I love all your close up nature shots. I'm really impressed.

8:25 PM, September 28, 2005  
Blogger Louiswoof said...

Hi Meryl,

Thanks! If you ever want any, for backgrounds, or whatever, let me know, and I'd be totally happy to e-mail them to you.

Hope all is well with you.
Take Care,

10:06 PM, September 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the offer, Louis. I'll keep that in mind. I've been trying to check your blog more often--its nice to see what you're up to. Sounds like you're busy. Me too. It's hard to squeeze in important stuff like photography between all the obligations. Hope you're well.

3:50 PM, October 03, 2005  

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