Monday, October 31, 2005

Busy, Busy, Busy

Hi folks,

While, lots going on here, but too much to spend much time blogging. Enjoy the butterfly photos; I’ll be posting some other photos before too long, I thinks. And one of these days, I  might actually make time to write something.


Hangin' Out.

What a crazy coloring, eh?

These ones are neat--they are very blue when they open up.

Aerial View

Looks like a butterflyport to me...

Doesn't this guy blend in well?

Another Butterfly Photo

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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Team feeding.

This huge moth was in the butterfly exhibit. It's hard to tell the scale in the photo, but it's probably at least ten inches wingtip to wingtip.

Flower at Tucson Botanical Gardens

Sunset photo from my roof.

I took this one out at a job down in Palominas, down near to the border. Nice country down there.


Well, today Kelly, Grace, Lauren and I went to see a butterfly exhibit at Tucson Botanical Gardens. Here are a few butterfly and other photos, as well as a sunset photo or two.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Sunset horizon.

More sunset in the wash.

Fuzzy Kelly. Have I ever mentioned that I need a tripod?

And another..

More sunset. We're getting nice ones here lately.

I was at the University of Arizona to do some research at the library yesterday, and snapped this photo as I walked by the Islamic Center.

Kelly and I took a sunset walk yesterday. An uprooted tree in the wash is the foreground.

End view. Papa, building this reminded me of all the woodworking we used to do. I'm glad I got to do that.

The prototype. Notice the nice adjustable feet.

Wedding Bench Prototype

Today Lex, Kelly, and I built a prototype of the wedding benches that we’re planning to use. It turned out pretty nice in the end, although it still needs to be sanded and a finish applied. Lex had some great engineering ideas, and because of that, it’s pretty much an all-terrain, off-road bench. Which will be handy for setup on the mountain, so we don’t have to do a bunch of custom cuts, or shims, or anything. Anyhow, here are a couple photos.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Detail of the mystery item.

Mystery Item. What is it?

I like Arizona clouds. They aren't quite as good as Ghana clouds, but they come close.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Sean and Louis with the project.

Brian and Sean with the succesful project.

Brian ready to drop the egg, Sean on the right. When Brian dropped the egg, it pulled out a pin, letting a copper tube reel off fishline, dropping the feet.

Egg Drop

For my creative thinking class, I worked with Brian and Sean on the egg drop assignment. The goal was for an egg to drop fifteen feet without breaking the shell or yolk. Of course, we were supposed to do in the most creative way possible. Brian’s brilliant idea was to make 15 clay feet, and have the egg make them drop. Here are a couple of photos. Sorry the first one of Brian and Sean is fuzzy.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Except I think I like this one better...

The Catalinas are some of my favorite mountains, and this is one of the angles of the Catalinas that I like best.

Prickly pear fruit close-up.

I think that prickly pear fruit are really beautiful. Here's a good specimen.

Fuzzies Plant (Plantus Softishus)

Transporting fuzzies.

I had a few minutes on a job while I was waiting, and I enjoyed watching an ant hill. Pretty amazing creatures. They had a major trail set up transporting the fuzzies from some grass about 40 feet away from their nest. This is the entrance to the nest.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

James & Kelly goofing off again...

Ok, for anyone who wanted to see Kelly's ring in its natural habitat.

Looking up Pima Canyon.

Cute little cactus.

View of Tucson from a little bit up the trail.

James and Kelly being silly in the parking lot.

Hiking Again

Today Kelly, James and I went on a hike. We left the trailhead at about ten, and got back to the car around one. A nice short hike up Pima Canyon, and a good hang out watching the view for a bit. Kelly’s house-sitting for a family friend that has a pool, so afterwards we all took a dip, before James headed off to a concert, Kelly headed off to work, and I headed home.

It was great to get out hiking again, but I do miss the water that’s around when the monsoons have just come, or in spring. And there just aren’t enough beaches in this desert…