Sunday, November 06, 2005

Part Three

Fourteen hours later, an hour after a quick breakfast stop in Grand Junction, CO, they cruised through eastern Utah. Rachel drove, while unsuccessfully James tried to doze. Suddenly, Rachel sat up straight. Directly behind them, a semi was barreling toward them! Rachel slammed on the gas pedal, and slowly pulled away from the semi, even as it accelerated to try to catch them. “James! How is Smita doing? Does she smell anything?,” Rachel anxiously asked. “Nope, seems to be sleeping quietly. And the Geiger counter hasn’t even blipped. Maybe that’s just a crazy trucker.” “Seems a little to coincidental to me,” Rachel said. “In any case, I’d feel better if we took the longer route through Arizona, rather than take I-70 and I-15 all the way. If that semi had anything to do with the Syndicate, it’ll be worth it.” James grumbled, “Ok, but you realize that’s going to add about six hours to the drive. But you’re probably right.”


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