Thursday, December 22, 2005

Ryan sailing his electrical tape boat.

Ryan Sitting.

Tough Mama.


Wilcox, AZ

Well, we headed out in my parents’ bus this morning, around six. We’re now in Wilcox, AZ, getting diesel fuel, and I decided to pay for 60 minutes of wireless access at the truckstop here. I’ll post some more photos of our adventure Monday, and I’ll be almost caught up…

Monday, December 19, 2005

Zander and Ryan.


Kelly and Claire.




Lauren and Claire.

More View

Window in the Rocks.

Claire in a Cave.

Light on the rocks.

Ryan and Zander on top of one of the rock formations.

The View.

Zander Climbing.


Me Climbing.

Looking down from a rock formation.

Hiking Down the Trail

Claire and Lauren.



Papa looking through the scope.

The crew heading to the trail.

Nora. She was looking through a scope that showed where various points of interest were.

Chiricahua National Monument

Today we went to Chiricahua National Monument. Lex, Kelly, Lauren, Mom, Papa, Ryan, Nora, Zander, and Claire. I took more photos than I’ve taken in a long, long time. Here are a few.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

They are Here!

Well, the family has officially arrived here in Tucson. Grace cooked a great dinner, and we jumped on the trampoline. Now Lauren, Kelly, Claire, and Nora are doing a puzzle. More update later…

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Another shot from Sabino

Kelly and I went hiking in Sabino Canyon on Sunday. This guy came by to say hello.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

This down in Elgin, about and hour and a half from Tucson. I was working down there. Claire, this is from that one day when I said I didn't have my camera with me, so I couldn't take pictures. Turned out I did have my camera. :-)

Barrel cactus. Note to siblings who are going to visit. It might look like a good seat, but it isn't. ;-)

This bug was apparently very, very, hungry.

Kelly examining it.

Louis and Kelly.

Down the Canyon, View of the Valley.

Another shot of that plant.

Another neat specimen.

This plant is a viney type, that was climbing up a tree. Really neat.

A couple of weekends ago, Kelly and I went hiking in the eastern section of Saguaro National Park. We hiked/climbed down to the creekbed, looking at all the neat plants on the way.

Another Catlina Shot.

Catalinas. A good angle on some of my favorite mountains. And no, I didn't Photoshop the moon in. It was really there.

Oldish Photos

Here are a few photos from a couple of weeks ago. I’ve got to catch up one of these days…

More Good News

Well, it’s been a pretty good weekend. I thought I had a lot of homework, and I kind of did, but it all got pretty much done, and I wasn’t even stressed. And I did some other stuff in the midst of it as well.

Saturday, I worked on my paper for my Creative Thinking class for most of the morning, and then started working on my first computer roughs for an assignment for Design. For this, the final project, we have to design ads for perfume, both a magazine ad, and a newspaper ad. I got the computer rough done for the magazine ad pretty quickly, but the newspaper still needed work.

Late afternoon, Kelly came over and picked me up, and we headed to the church for the Christmas live nativity. Kelly and I were Mary and Joseph. (Respectively, of course). It was a good time, though standing for two hours, even being able to stretch between groups, can get a little tiring. They had a horse in one of  the scene, and goats, and other fun stuff. And after that, we went over to the ranch for a awhile, and hung out with Kevin, Christine, Linda, and Levi. Lex and James came over after that. And I was tired, so Kelly dropped me off home.

Oldish, But Good News

Ok, been awhile. The good news, for any of you that A: read my blog, and B: don’t read my sibs blogs, it that almost all of my family is coming down to AZ to visit before Christmas. This is very exciting, since about half of my family has been to Tucson, but none of them since I’ve been here. Mom, Papa, Ryan, Nora, Zander and Claire are coming sometime Saturday the 17th. Rose is flying in the following Wednesday, and Thursday, we’re heading up to Anna’s for Christmas. We’re hoping that Kelly will be able to come up too, but she hasn’t yet been able to pin down her work. Exciting stuff!