Sunday, December 03, 2006

Life, as Currently Viewed: A Sunday Morning Snapshot

Keywords: Busy, Progress, Costa Rica, Chilly, Trig.

Life has continued on its predicted course. School activity continues to be strong, with significant progress reported in trigonometry, as evidenced by completion of one module, and two quizzes for the second module. All scores have reached the 88% range, a respectable result. Short-term goals are completion of homework, another quiz, and a final in the coming week.

Although Economics’ strong finish (100%+) is contributing to the overall school portfolio, no new developments have been reported since completion.

Costa Rica is looking great in the near future. Plans for travel, enjoyment, and fun dominate. A framework allowing visiting of Kendra, a good visit to Durika, and significant time in Mastatal has been established. Air travel and lodging arrangements have generously provided by family backers.

Local weather conditions have predicated a dampening in outdoor activities. Strong winds and cold temperatures have led to a sharp decline in hiking and camping, with walking experiencing a slight downturn.

Stay tuned for our next regular update.


Blogger claire said...

Thanks for the up date.
Does Kelly have a blog?

2:12 PM, December 03, 2006  
Blogger Zander said...

Thanks for Bloging.



4:13 PM, December 04, 2006  
Blogger Anna said...

Thanks for the update. :)
love love love,

10:20 PM, December 04, 2006  

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