Sunday, May 06, 2007

Madera Canyon


Another hike, this one from the end of January. Check out the lizards!
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At Last, Actual Snow Photos!

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Study Break

Thought I'd take a break from studying to blog a bit. I have my last classes tomorrow, with finals in two of my classes on Wednesday, and my CAD final on Monday. I'm in pretty good shape in all my classes, though I haven't got my last chemistry test back, so I'm not sure how well I need to do on the final.

I'm certainly glad that school is going to be over soon. I feel like I have a long slog ahead of my before a degree, and am pondering what's the best way to do it. Should I charge in, and take lots of classes every chance I get, including summer? Or should I just take a full load during the year, and a light load during the summer?

At present, I'm registered for seven credits over the summer. In the fall, I am registered for the Calculus III, Chemistry II, and Into Physics. I'm thinking of cutting back a bit over the summer, to four credits. If I did that, I would probably also wait to take physics until spring, and substitute something else.

In other news, I'm taking on a new role at work--sales. I've only been doing it a few days, but so far I'm having fun. It's too soon for me to tell how good I am at it, but I'll see.

Ok, I'll post some photos, then it's back to math homework.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Photos Working Again

Well, it looks like I've figured out how to get the photos working. Maybe I'll actually post some soon.

Test Photo

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