Sunday, May 06, 2007

Study Break

Thought I'd take a break from studying to blog a bit. I have my last classes tomorrow, with finals in two of my classes on Wednesday, and my CAD final on Monday. I'm in pretty good shape in all my classes, though I haven't got my last chemistry test back, so I'm not sure how well I need to do on the final.

I'm certainly glad that school is going to be over soon. I feel like I have a long slog ahead of my before a degree, and am pondering what's the best way to do it. Should I charge in, and take lots of classes every chance I get, including summer? Or should I just take a full load during the year, and a light load during the summer?

At present, I'm registered for seven credits over the summer. In the fall, I am registered for the Calculus III, Chemistry II, and Into Physics. I'm thinking of cutting back a bit over the summer, to four credits. If I did that, I would probably also wait to take physics until spring, and substitute something else.

In other news, I'm taking on a new role at work--sales. I've only been doing it a few days, but so far I'm having fun. It's too soon for me to tell how good I am at it, but I'll see.

Ok, I'll post some photos, then it's back to math homework.


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