Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Another Day... Or two

Well, I had an enjoyable drawing class yesterday. I was able to just let go, and get my brain out of the way a bit, which makes it much easier for me to get where I need to go. So in this case, rather than analizing to death the geometry of the still life I was drawing, I just drew it. And, supprisingly, it actually worked much better. But I'm worried that I still can't do this consistantly. I think that the lifestyle I'm living isn't really very conducive to developing my artistic talents. Cities are really not very good places to live, for the most part. People are more socially isolated, even though they are in close proximity physically.

I need to spend more time in nature; that would help. It's so easy to sink into the normalcy of simply coming home and getting on the computer, or napping, or whatever. But I do really feel better when I do get out. Actually, there are some good spots that are not too far away from my apartment. The Rillito River Park is good. It's all along the Rillito river, and there are horse and bike paths for a long way in both directions from my area. In fact, last Saturday, I rode my bike over to Kelly's house. It took about an hour, with me pushing myself pretty hard. It's about ten miles by road, but the route I went was probably about 12-13 miles. I did it in under an hour, which isn't too bad, considering I'm kind of out of shape.

But anyhow, back to the drawing. I'm feeling frusterated with my lack of groundedness with drawing. One day I like it; the next I hate it. Well, let me clarify. I don't really hate it, it's just that I often thing that my apptitude (or lack of) for drawing, and my being near the bottom of my class, means that I should give up. Which, of course, isn't true. But I am in no way used to failing classes and such (or even doing badly), so it is difficult for me to step back, and simply aknowledge that drawing is a skill I have to build painstakingly. It is a good lesson in humility, but not one I am particularly enjoying, at least yet.

On other days, even though I know I'm not doing as well as others, I don't really care, because I'm doing better than I was, and because I'm learning. I'm trying to let that happen more often.

In other news, most of the folks from my work have headed up to Flagstaff for an energy fair. Kelly and I are going to be going up Thursday afternoon. I'm looking forward to it, but am also feeling a little drained by life. When the heck will it ever slow down...


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