Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Ok, where have all the flying/traveling songs gone? And why is the plane always a Boeing 707 in all the good old songs about flying? (Early Morning Rain, and Big Old Jet Airliner). I just am not hearing any new songs to the effect of “That Boeing 777 got me to Tokyo no sweat, fuel efficient, comfortable, it has only two engines, but we didn’t get wet.” Hmm. Maybe I’ve got a song to write. But with no sex, crude rhymes, or drug references, it’ll never sell…

Where Does the Time Go?

Interesting day. I thought that I would have a short day today, but I ran into some issues at the job that I was working for. I’m feeling less sick that I did the last couple of days, which is good, and I had a great talk with Kay this evening, who I haven’t talked with in awhile.

I should really be working on a project/exercise for school, but I’ve already done quite a bit of work on it, and my brain is fried. I’m getting pretty excited about going to Costa Rica. My travel bug is now again in full swing, and I’m thinking of all the other trips that I would like to do.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

“…[I]n a Human Form”

Last night I read an interesting number in the Arcana (6876). It is talking about how those in the Ancient and Most Ancient Churches saw the Lord. It basically says that they saw God as a Divine Human, and couldn’t think of Him as being part of nature, and everything else. An interesting thought, since I have been pondering what it means to actually know the Lord, and worship not some nebulous concept, but to worship The Lord God Jesus Christ. Any thoughts from anyone would be appreciated. And maybe I’ll more fully develop these thoughts soon.

Can I Touch the Rain?

It’s a very windy morning here in Tucson. This is out of the ordinary, but I’m certainly enjoying it. I’m sitting on my couch, looking out the window at the wind blowing a tree all over the place. It’s probably cold outside, but I haven’t found out yet. But it is still sunny, which is good.

Speaking of which, life is good. I can’t decide if my life is very exciting at the moment, or very boring. But I think it’s good. My big news is that I will be going to Costa Rica for two weeks in March, to help teach a renewable energy workshop. It should be pretty sweet. I’ve been itching to do some more traveling, and it’s great that I get to do this. I’m looking forward to experiencing another part of the world, and seeing how I like it. I bought my tickets yesterday. I found a great deal: $298.50, flying out of Tucson. Often it’s cheaper to fly out of Phoenix, but this time, flying out of Tucson was actually a few bucks less.