Sunday, November 14, 2004

“…[I]n a Human Form”

Last night I read an interesting number in the Arcana (6876). It is talking about how those in the Ancient and Most Ancient Churches saw the Lord. It basically says that they saw God as a Divine Human, and couldn’t think of Him as being part of nature, and everything else. An interesting thought, since I have been pondering what it means to actually know the Lord, and worship not some nebulous concept, but to worship The Lord God Jesus Christ. Any thoughts from anyone would be appreciated. And maybe I’ll more fully develop these thoughts soon.


Blogger Anna said...

Oh, man, do I have thoughts for you?! This is something I've been thinking a lot about lately and having a lot of conversations with people about and doing reading on. It's interesting, there's some people here who are really struggling with the concept of seeing the Lord in the Human Form. In working on that with them it's helping me to understand how important it is. So many thoughts, call me. I'd love to chat about this.... :)

5:56 PM, November 14, 2004  

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