Sunday, November 14, 2004

Can I Touch the Rain?

It’s a very windy morning here in Tucson. This is out of the ordinary, but I’m certainly enjoying it. I’m sitting on my couch, looking out the window at the wind blowing a tree all over the place. It’s probably cold outside, but I haven’t found out yet. But it is still sunny, which is good.

Speaking of which, life is good. I can’t decide if my life is very exciting at the moment, or very boring. But I think it’s good. My big news is that I will be going to Costa Rica for two weeks in March, to help teach a renewable energy workshop. It should be pretty sweet. I’ve been itching to do some more traveling, and it’s great that I get to do this. I’m looking forward to experiencing another part of the world, and seeing how I like it. I bought my tickets yesterday. I found a great deal: $298.50, flying out of Tucson. Often it’s cheaper to fly out of Phoenix, but this time, flying out of Tucson was actually a few bucks less.


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