Saturday, January 29, 2005

American Typewriter In a Box

American Typewriter In a Box
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

This is my final project for my Design 110 class last term, which, by the way, is in my school's gallery. It's actually in 3D, with the center panel as the front of the box, with a top and sides.


Blogger Rose said...

Wow! That's so way cool! What was the exact assignment? I know you told me once, but I forgot...

4:37 PM, January 29, 2005  
Blogger Louiswoof said...

Rose, The exact assignment is to produce a box selling a specific family of typefaces. Some of the rules include having every single letter of the alphabet on the box, and the words "American Typewriter In A Box" on the front panel. And you have to make the box nice and neat.

4:54 PM, January 29, 2005  

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