Tuesday, May 10, 2005

What’s Been Going On

In fact, not a lot has been going on. I went on a nice overnight camping trip the weekend before last. It was good to get up to the mountains, and out of the city.

My state at the moment is mostly tired, some sick, and kind of down. I’m now finished with school, but have been working like crazy—last week, 50 hours, and then a 14-hour day yesterday, and eight hours today. Too much. Fortunately, I’ll have a short day tomorrow, but Thursday I’ll be leading a job about 2-and-a-half hours from here, staying overnight, and returning Friday.

The good news is I’m realizing that I don’t like working this much, and figuring out what I can do about it. I like the money, but it’s just not worth the impact it’s having on my health. Which, by the way, is not as good as I’d like it. I’m feeling pretty low energy these days.

Also, my camera finally shipped out from Olympus today, so I’ll have my digi back soon. Yeah! I think I also have a few photos to blog that I never got around to blogging before leaving for Costa Rica.


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