Saturday, June 04, 2005

Back Home Again

I had an uneventful trip back home yesterday. I actually didn’t sleep very well Thursday night, so I slept most of the way from Seattle to Tucson. Kelly met me at the airport, which was nice. We had a nice evening—went out to dinner, found me a new phone charger, just hung out and caught up, and watched a movie.

This morning, I slept in a bit, and then got the rest of my stuff unpacked. I went to go buy some yeast so that I could make bread, and checked in at work. When I got home, I made bread, which was interesting. It worked out ok, but I know I could do better. I think I should have let it rise more, or I got the yeast amount wrong, since it was a little more dense than I would have preferred. But it gave me the hiccups, which is one of my “tests” of what a good bread is.

Now I’m hanging out for a bit before I go over to Kelly’s parents house for a barbeque. I got a bit of work done today too, which is good. I still have a bunch of photos to post from the trip. Maybe I’ll do some now.


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