Sunday, July 17, 2005

Parker Canyon Lake Trip

This week I worked Monday through Thursday, and accumulated 50 hours in that time. Crazy. Friday, I had the day off, and I Kelly and I took a great excursion. We headed south to Sonoita, AZ, which is a about an hour south and a bit east of Tucson. From there, we cruised out to Parker Canyon Lake. It’s another hour from Sonoita. It’s not a natural lake—it was dammed in the late ‘60s, but is decent water, at least for Arizona. They stock the lake, and a lot of folks go down to fish. But, it being Friday, it wasn’t that busy.

Kelly and I had a nice time—good conversation, coupled with some disagreement. Normal stuff like that. It was a really peaceful spot, but it made also made me miss the ocean.

After hanging out there, we headed farther south on some Forest Service dirt roads, and did some exploring. There’s an old town site down that way, but we didn’t have a map, and couldn’t find it. But it was fun in any case.

The sunset was great, since the Florida fire was between us and the sun, and the smoke made it much better. Around sunset, Kelly and I headed back to Sonoita, and had dinner at a local café. I like eavesdropping on locals in small towns. I know the kinds of things that they talk about, after growing up on Guemes, but it’s interesting to see exactly what the local “issues” are.


Blogger Ryan said...

Thanks for the update, it really is great to hear about your life and what you're doing, even though I may not say so, or get around to calling and such.


8:42 PM, July 22, 2005  

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