Monday, August 29, 2005

This was around five. I like the light at that time of day a lot.

Just sitting.

Me. We went over to another neat place nearby, and I monkeyed around on the rock a bit.

More of the view.

This is the opposite direction from the altar rock and the view.

Kelly and I sitting on the rock that we think the altar will be on.

Almost to the top...

This is the start of one of the paths up from the parking lot.

A panorama of the spot.

More on the Spot

Ok, spot basics, for those who I know will want to know. (You know who you are). It’s on Mount Lemmon, at the San Pedro Vista. It’s a little under an hour from the east side of Tucson. The spot faces north, looking over the San Pedro Valley. It’s steepish walk from the parking lot, but is short—less than five minutes. Pictures in a couple of minutes.

Wedding Spot

Ok, I promised to post photos of the probable wedding spot. So I’m going to. Kelly and I went up to the mountain again on Sunday, to look it over again, and think about it. We’ve pretty much decided that it’s the spot, pending figuring out logistics, forest service permit, etc.

We’ve also asked Frank Rose to do the service, which will be good. And June 3rd is the day, if anyone is marking their calendars. We both feel good about both of these decisions. Now the major stuff is set, it’ll be good to just chill for a little bit, and gradually get stuff done.

Of course, with Kelly already back to school, and my first day of classes on the 7th, I don’t suspect that there will really be much time to chill, but anyhow… I’ll be taking a Creative Thinking class, and a design class. Should be fun.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Same shot with no car headlights, and the brightness/contrast played around with.

Venus, stars, and silhouettes, with approaching car headlights.

Kelly and I went up the mountain to look at more possible wedding spots. We re-found a great spot that we both like, and is relatively practical. I'll post photos of the site in a bit, after I put together a panorama. in the meantime, here are a few shots I took while we were there.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A possible wedding spot, on Mt. Bigelow.



Another One.

Don't our sunglasses look cute together!?

Kelly and I at the "Kelly Yes" spot.

Up the Mountain

Yesterday afternoon, Kelly and I drove up Mount Lemmon. We wanted to look at possible wedding spots. On the way, we stopped off at the spot where Kelly said yes. We stopped and took some photos, of which I’ll share a few. We also went up to Mount Bigelow, and looked at a niceish meadow. More on that in captions.  

Friday, August 19, 2005

I likes the light on this one...

Today I had a job down south of Patagonia, AZ. It's about 1.5 hours down there, and is a nice green drive with all the recent rain we've been getting. Here are a few shots.

I promised Claire that I would post a photo of my big Ghanain Jimbe. Here it is. (That's also the NW corner of my apartment).

Planning, Planning, Planning.

Well, even starting to think about planning a wedding is a lot of work. Lots to figure out, trying to balance all sorts of factors.

Inside/Outside, Date, Time, How Many People, Where, etc., etc.

At this point we’ve determined that it will be in Tucson. Kelly and I are going to cruise up the mountain tomorrow afternoon, and look over spots. If any of you have any thoughts, we’d like to hear them. Can’t promise we’ll do them, but we’d like to hear them. :-) Oh, and time. We're currently thinking about early June, after Kelly graduates, and before I get to much into the thick of school.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Ok, the exciting news is that as of Saturday night, Kelly and I are engaged! I would love to tell the story to any of you via e-mail or phone. And maybe I’ll blog more about it soon, but life at the moment is certainly busy.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Green Side of Southern Arizona

I like morning cirrus clouds...

It's amazing how fast the mountains green up when the monsoon hits. Beautiful.

Thursday I had a job up on Mount Lemmon. On the way up, I snapped a few photos from the truck. Here's one.

We had a great rainstorm last Tuesday, when I was home sick. Here's some of the puddling outside my window.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I just put this design together for a new QSL card for my amateur radio stuff. You can send and receive these cards when you make a contact with another amateur, especially those in other countries. I have a bunch of cards I should send out, but no current cards, so I just made one.



More Sedona

Sendona View

Fingerprints. We're not the only creatures who are unique.


There were a bunch of blackberry vines in and around the creek. But no blackberries, I'm afraid. I like the interplay of different elements and lifestates in this one.

Ok folks, what is this picture of?

Canyon walls

This neat little guy was nice enough to hang around until I got a photo.

Shallow Roots Touched by the Water


Monday, August 08, 2005

Travis at the top.

Travis pretty much just walked up the climb. Nothing like a first-timer for making it look easy, right?

Torey Heading Down

I didn't get any good photos of Torey climbing this one. But did get one of her at the top, after she'd made a good climb up.

Travis belaying Torey.

Kelly on the way down.

The rock there had amazing holds. In some spots there was a full passageway through the rock. And it was pretty too.