Saturday, September 24, 2005

This is an exercise for design class. I actually went way overboard on it, since I was having fun. The basic idea is to take a orginal photo and crop it in different ways, to highlight a particular message the photo can convey.


Blogger Anna said...

Hey, that's really cool! Hmm...makes my artistic side start thinking...

8:04 PM, September 26, 2005  
Blogger Louiswoof said...

Thanks! It's fun to play with. We've been talking about different layout formats lately, it's a blast to learn all about it. Now I just need to spring for a copy of Adobe Indesign. I'm thinking I'll get a copy of CS, but they're going for 200-250 on eBay at the moment. Totally worth it, but yikes!

9:27 PM, September 29, 2005  

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