Sunday, November 06, 2005

Part Five

Rachel and James strode purposefully toward the Mercedes, James carefully hitting a sequence of buttons on his wrist display, to notify HQ of their success. When the reached the car, Rachel jumped into the driver’s seat. James placed a direct call to Xavier at HQ, and gave the current pass code. “James. So you and Rachel got it. Good work. Proceed to Las Vegas Transport  Point Two,” Xavier said in a matter-of-fact tone. James asked, “Can you send backup? We’ve seen no sign yet of the Syndicate guards, but it’s not over yet.” “I’m already on it,” Xavier replied. “I estimate that the team will be onsite in approximately twenty minutes, give or take a couple.”

James hung up the phone. “Great, just great. Did they tell you about Vegas Transport Point Two at the Academy?,” James asked Rachel. “No, why?” “The dang transport receptacle is the seventh hole at Paul Bunyan Minigolf. One of Xavier’s ‘jokes.’ And that place is bound to be mobbed this time of day,” James continued. Twelve minutes later, they had reached Paul Bunyan Minigolf, just as James had found a golf ball shell to add to the outside of the roulette ball to disguise it.  “That’ll be sixteen dollars,” the friendly attendant said. “What color clubs would you like? “Blue, please,” James answered. “Same for me,” Rachel said. This done, Rachel and James headed towards the seventh hole, in a hurry, but trying not to look like they were hurrying.

As they approached the seventh hole, they saw a man in a red shirt, along with two boys and a girl. “Pardon me,” James said, “When you’re done with this hole, could we quickly play it? “Sure, the man replied. In fact, go head and try your shot right now.” James carefully removed the golfball-encased roulette ball from his pocket and placed it on the green. “Hey, want to putt this one in before we play the hole?,” he asked one of the boys. “Sure,” the boy replied. As the boy readied for the shot, the young girl moved up behind James and Rachel. “So, you thought that the Syndicate doesn’t hire kids,” she purred. “You were dead wrong.” She held up a high-powered stun gun.