Monday, October 30, 2006

Camera, etc.

In preparation for Kelly and my trip to Costa Rica, I ordered her a camera on eBay over the weekend. It’s a Cannon A540, which has lots of good reviews, and stuff. Should get here before too long.

And I’ve been eBaying a bunch of old computer parts that I don’t need. Some of them I’m actually making money off of, some of them it’s probably marginal. But I feel good that they are useful to someone, not just sitting in my closet, or thrown away.

School is going a little better. Today I took my last quiz for the first unit of trig, and got 100%. I like that. I’ll take the final this week, maybe tomorrow. And I was able to take an economics test today as well, which means I don’t have very many immediate deadlines.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What’s Up These Days…

Well, it’s been some time since I wrote. I haven’t really had much time to write, with work, school, and having somewhat of a life.

Life, speaking of which, is good. I am taking three classes at school—economics, chemistry, and trigonometry. I haven’t really been focusing a lot of mental energy on school, which somewhat predictable results. Oh well. I’m doing fine, just not as well as I want to.

I have been working a little less, which is a relief. I am still finding it hard to block out enough time to get my schoolwork done, but I’m getting there.

Monday, October 09, 2006



Kelly, myself, and a bit of water.

This is a small dam in the creek. Usually it's about an inch or two of water running over.


Rushing water in the canyon.

More tree.

Water rushing by a tree in Sabino Canyon

This is from in July, when it was raining like crazy. Actually, we've gotten a little rain in the last few days, which has been nice. This is Wentworth Road at the Tanque Verde wash.