Monday, October 30, 2006

Camera, etc.

In preparation for Kelly and my trip to Costa Rica, I ordered her a camera on eBay over the weekend. It’s a Cannon A540, which has lots of good reviews, and stuff. Should get here before too long.

And I’ve been eBaying a bunch of old computer parts that I don’t need. Some of them I’m actually making money off of, some of them it’s probably marginal. But I feel good that they are useful to someone, not just sitting in my closet, or thrown away.

School is going a little better. Today I took my last quiz for the first unit of trig, and got 100%. I like that. I’ll take the final this week, maybe tomorrow. And I was able to take an economics test today as well, which means I don’t have very many immediate deadlines.


Blogger Emmy said...

Congratulations!! 100%!! Wow! That's awesome.

6:11 PM, November 01, 2006  
Blogger Zander said...

Thanks for the post.


11:02 AM, November 06, 2006  

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