Saturday, January 06, 2007

Part One

We set out in pre-dawn darkness, our heavily laden backpacks weighing down our shoulders. But our eyelids were even heavier, leaden from the missed sleep.

Ok, enough. It’s way too time consuming to write in that lousy style. In any case, we left early on Saturday the 16th, with two backpacks, and a small bag. Our flight left Tucson on time, but when we got to Dallas, our gate wasn’t available. We got off the plane late, and scooted for our connection to San Jose, Costa Rica, making it without too much trouble.

Our flight to San Jose was nice. We were able to see some good scenery on the way down. I particularly enjoyed seeing Costa Rica as we approached the airport, with the little Fincas (farms), and the houses.

When we got to the baggage claim around 2:30p, we had an unpleasant surprise. Our bags hadn’t made the connection, and wouldn’t be there until 7:30 in the evening. We were supposed to meet Kendra and Marissa that afternoon, and travel down south.

We went outside to meet Kendra and Marissa, but didn’t see them. They showed up after a few minutes. A couple of options were possible—we could wait for our bags, but we probably couldn’t do the hike that Kendra had planned. We opted to leave our bags, and have them sent to us if possible.

Saturday night we stayed in a hotel in San Isidro, which is about four hours by bus from San Jose.


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