Wednesday, August 18, 2004


Well, I'm done with my drawing class. Today we had our last class. I finished up my final project, which was a series of four still lifes, all of the same area of the still life. For three of the drawings, we had to choose a focal point, and use a particular line style on each. For the fourth, we had to finish the whole area of the still life we'd chosen, using whatever line style(s) we wanted.

I did fine. I have come a long way since starting the class, and am now able to do stuff I never imagined that I could. It has certainly been frustrating at times, but everything started to click for the last few classes, and I'm feeling good about my prospects. I am still unsure at some level about doing graphic design. I am enjoying it, but am not feeling incredibly drawn towards it. But I'm liking it enough to try some more, which is a good sign.

Next term I'll be taking a computer class, which looks to be pretty dang basic. I will have a fair bit to learn, since it's Mac basics, and I suppose I can try to find some extra credit, if I can. I'm also taking a design class, which looks more interesting. I'm looking forward to that one. We'll be doing a lot of working with different type, and stuff of that sort. It should be good.


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