Thursday, December 30, 2004

Rock and Sky

Rock and Sky
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.
This one I took from the truck window while driving to a job last Monday. They have good rocks in Arizona. I'll have to take more photos of them.

Rocks and Water

Rocks and Water
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.
Any idea how long it takes for an eighty-gallon hot water tank to completely drain through a garden hose? I took this photo while waiting, after I'd done everything else I could.

By the way, the scale on this photo is really, really small. Something like an inch across the whole frame.


Originally uploaded by louiswoof.
Kelly made this beautiful creation for the-day-after-Christmas dinner. Isn't it nice?


Originally uploaded by louiswoof.
Spoons are good. Macrophotography is good. Cameras that can take macrophotos of spoons are very good.


Originally uploaded by louiswoof.
Every so often, Javalina visit at Kelly's parents house. It's really kind of hard to see them in the dark, so we at first thought that there were only two, but after looking at the photo, we discovered that there were actually three.

A New Camera!

Well, since I now have a fancy-shamancy digital camera (thanks Papa!), I thought I should post some photos. I don't have time to write much of anything, since I need to go home and do laundry. Tomorrow morning Kelly and I are going to go up to Phoenix to visit with Derek Rose and Meryl Cowley, so I need some clean duds. I'm reallying looking forward to seeing Derek and Meryl. Should be good! Anyhow, before I go, here are a few photos from the last few days...

Thursday, December 23, 2004

A Couple of Flights Later

I’ve been flying twice in the past couple of weeks. Both were interesting, and good in their own ways, but frustrating at times.

Every two years, I’m required to do what’s called a “Flight Review” to keep my Private Pilot license current. I went out to Tucson International Airport to work with an instructor to do that. I also planned to get checked out for rental flight, so I could rent an airplane for some more flying on my own.

The first flight went fine. I felt behind the curve, but I didn’t do too badly considering I hadn’t flown for a year. But my landings and approaches left something to be desired, so I went back the next weekend for a little more practice. This time, I flew from Tucson Intl. to another busy local airport, and did tons of crosswind takeoff and landing practice. It went Ok, but still need to practice some more to get back in the swing of things. I’m hoping to get in sometime in the next weekend or two.

Long, Long, Time Ago…

Ok, it’s been quite a bit since I’ve done any blogging. School, work, and such have kept me very busy. I finished my term in pretty good shape. It was hectic, because the week of finals was crazy at work, and I was feeling under the weather (which seems to be the norm these days). I really enjoyed my final assignment for design class, which was called “Type In a Box.”

The idea was to design a box to sell a family of fonts. I was assigned the font American Typewriter. It’s based on the old mono-spaced fonts of old-fashioned typewriters, but is variably spaced. It has some nice ball terminals, and is very readable. (Translated to English: An old font, improved and modernized.)

Anyhow, after, many revisions, I came up with my final design, which I liked, my teacher liked, etc. All good stuff. I’ll post a JPEG of the final design soon. It really looks better in 3-D as a box, but the JPEG will give some idea of the design.

Computer class was no sweat. The teacher was really pretty easy, and the final was not bad at all. In fact, I got to spend some time showing digital pics of Ghana to some of my classmates, since there was nothing else to do.