Thursday, December 23, 2004

A Couple of Flights Later

I’ve been flying twice in the past couple of weeks. Both were interesting, and good in their own ways, but frustrating at times.

Every two years, I’m required to do what’s called a “Flight Review” to keep my Private Pilot license current. I went out to Tucson International Airport to work with an instructor to do that. I also planned to get checked out for rental flight, so I could rent an airplane for some more flying on my own.

The first flight went fine. I felt behind the curve, but I didn’t do too badly considering I hadn’t flown for a year. But my landings and approaches left something to be desired, so I went back the next weekend for a little more practice. This time, I flew from Tucson Intl. to another busy local airport, and did tons of crosswind takeoff and landing practice. It went Ok, but still need to practice some more to get back in the swing of things. I’m hoping to get in sometime in the next weekend or two.


Blogger Anna said...

It rocks that you're flying again! I look forward to getting a airial tour of Tucson sometime!

9:13 PM, December 26, 2004  
Blogger Rose said...

Do you have more flight time scheduled?

10:08 AM, December 28, 2004  
Blogger Louiswoof said...

Yo Sisters. I don't have any more flight time scheduled at the moment. I've been busy, but I'm hoping to fly again in the next couple of weekends. I'd be happy to give you a tour sometime, assuming I'm active when you come!

9:07 PM, December 30, 2004  

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