Thursday, December 30, 2004

Rocks and Water

Rocks and Water
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.
Any idea how long it takes for an eighty-gallon hot water tank to completely drain through a garden hose? I took this photo while waiting, after I'd done everything else I could.

By the way, the scale on this photo is really, really small. Something like an inch across the whole frame.


Blogger Rose said...

Wow! I'm inspired. Awesome photos.

Off to take photos of small things. If your camera can do it, so can mine. :)

1:30 PM, December 31, 2004  
Blogger Anna said...

yeah, me too. AWESOME photos! Now I need to go experiment with my close up feature... thanks for leading the way! :) Now we want to see pictures of your apt, you and Kelly, your work, school, life, etc.... please?! :)

5:33 PM, December 31, 2004  

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