Thursday, December 23, 2004

Long, Long, Time Ago…

Ok, it’s been quite a bit since I’ve done any blogging. School, work, and such have kept me very busy. I finished my term in pretty good shape. It was hectic, because the week of finals was crazy at work, and I was feeling under the weather (which seems to be the norm these days). I really enjoyed my final assignment for design class, which was called “Type In a Box.”

The idea was to design a box to sell a family of fonts. I was assigned the font American Typewriter. It’s based on the old mono-spaced fonts of old-fashioned typewriters, but is variably spaced. It has some nice ball terminals, and is very readable. (Translated to English: An old font, improved and modernized.)

Anyhow, after, many revisions, I came up with my final design, which I liked, my teacher liked, etc. All good stuff. I’ll post a JPEG of the final design soon. It really looks better in 3-D as a box, but the JPEG will give some idea of the design.

Computer class was no sweat. The teacher was really pretty easy, and the final was not bad at all. In fact, I got to spend some time showing digital pics of Ghana to some of my classmates, since there was nothing else to do.


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