Monday, January 31, 2005

Pink Flower

Pink Flower
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Rocks and Sky

Rocks and Sky
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Louis Tying Shoe

Louis Tying Shoe
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Blue Flower

Blue Flower
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Dying Cactus

Dying Cactus
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Kelly and Water

Kelly and the Water
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

These photos are from a hike Kelly and I took last weekend in Saguaro National Park, on the east side. There are a great spots, and I haven't been there much. Kelly and I visited a neat stream. She'd been there before a few years ago.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Rock and Plants

Rock and Plants
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Also at the De Grazia Gallery

De Grazia Chapel

De Grazia Chapel
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

There's a neat chapel at the gallery. I actually like the outside better than the inside, so that's what I'm posting.

Surface Tension

Surface Tension
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Old Kiln

Old Kiln
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

At the De Grazia Gallery there are lots of old pieces of art, or junk, depending on your perspective.


Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

I believe this is jade. But I'm not sure. I forget them after I take photos of them.

More Cactus

More Cactus
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

I think this cactus looks like many spiders together.


Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Some little flowers.


Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Anyone getting tired of cactus photos yet?

De Grazia Mosaic Table

De Grazia Mosaic Table
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

This a little table at the De Grazia gallery. (). It's an interesting place. Some art I like, some I don't. But it had interesting stuff to take photos of.

Truck, Pumping System, and View at Salt River

Truck, Pumping System, and View at Salt River
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Ok Papa, I don't have any better photos of the PV on the rest area. But here's the Solar Store truck I was driving, and the water pumping system I was working on.

Solar Store Truck

Solar Store Truck
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

This is the Solar Store truck I drive most. It's a Ford Ranger. It drives well, but it's best features are actually cruise control and a CD player. This is at a pull-off on one of my favorite drives, AZ83 down to Sonoita, AZ.

Beehive Mountain

Beehive Mountain
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

This was right by a job I did the other day.

Bottle and Rock

Bottle and Rock
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Ok, It's kind of strange, but I like it. I took it in one of the local washes when it was dry. It's actually running right now, but that's rare.

American Typewriter In a Box

American Typewriter In a Box
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

This is my final project for my Design 110 class last term, which, by the way, is in my school's gallery. It's actually in 3D, with the center panel as the front of the box, with a top and sides.

Salt River Shadow

Salt River Shadow
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.


Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Some mountains on the drive back from Salt River

Salt River Canyon

Salt River Canyon
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Another shot of Salt River Canyon.

Moving Mountains

Moving Mountains
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

I shot this one while driving, hence the blur.

Salt River Rest Area with Rainbow

Salt River Rest Area with Rainbow
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

This one is from about three weeks ago--I guess I'm slacking, or busy, or something. Salt River Canyon is about three hours from Tucson, and is east of Phoenix on US60. I was working at a rest area in the bottom of the canyon, right above the river. First I got rained on, then I saw this...

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Back to Class

I had my first class on the term tonight, from 7:30 to 9:20. It should be pretty much a piece of cake, for a couple of reasons. I had the same teacher for my computer class last term, and he takes things pretty slow. The class in on Quark Express, which is a layout program, and is somewhat similar to Adobe Indesign, which is what I learned in my last class. I’m glad it’s going to be easy, since I have lots of prep to do for Costa Rica, and I’m going to be missing two classes when I’m in Costa Rica.

I’m am also feeling a little frustrated that I’m not doing more school. Many of my friends are graduating or close to this year. I suppose that I have had a lot of good job and life experience these past couple of years, but I wonder if I should be farther along. Oh well. Such is life.

In other news, my apartment is more clean than it was, which is good. And I should post more photos soon. I don’t have many of my trip to BA, but I still have some I took while at work that are pretty cool. But at the moment, I’m home, without fast internet, so photos will have to wait.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

East From Gates Pass

East From Gates Pass
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

This is looks towards Tucson from Gates Pass, which is on the far west side of Tucson. It's a nice area. Lots of good hiking out that way.


Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Title says it all...

Prickly Pear With Mountain

Prickly Pear With Mountain
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Country West of Tucson

Country West of Tucson
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Scrub desert view west of Tucson.

TBG Skies

TBG Skies
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

This view is from the roof of a job I was recently working at.

Mystery Photo

Mystery Photo
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

What is it?

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Derek at Curt Schilling Field

Derek at Curt Schilling Field
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

This field is right is at the school directly across from Meryl's house, and is where Curt Schilling went to school.

Louis Playing Guitar

Louis Playing Guitar
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

After some convincing, I played a couple of songs. (Michael Peter Smith and Greg Brown, for those of you who will want to know).

Michael, Rachel, and Meryl Playing Music

Michael, Rachel, and Meryl Playing Music
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

There was a great jam session on New Years day.

Sunset Two

Sunset Two
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

One more sunset photo from after the Camelback hike.

Sunset One

Sunset One
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

At the end of our hike we got to see a great sunset.

Kelly in a Cave

Kelly in a Cave
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Kelly found a cave just her size.


Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Shall I lichen you to a summers day?

Cowleys at the Top

Cowleys at the Top
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

The hiking Cowley crew at the top of the mountain.

Four Behind a Rock

Four Behind a Rock
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Four Crazies hiding behind a rock.

Derek and Grace

Derek and Grace
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Cute shot of Derek and Meryl's youngest sister Grace.

Derek -- The Look

Derek -- The Look
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Derek and 1-Mile Marker

Derek and 1-Mile Marker
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

Derek celebrating making it one mile up the mountain.

Meryl and Kelly

Meryl and Kelly
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.

View From Camelback

View From Camelback
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.
View of part of Camelback Mountain and the city of Phoenix in the background.

A New Year

Kelly and I went up to Phoenix for the weekend to visit with Derek Rose and Meryl Cowley. It was a great time. On Friday afternoon, we hiked up Camelback Mountain. It’s a fairly steep hike, but only 1.2 miles each way. Many of the Cowleys went along, and we all had a good time, and all made it to the top.

Friday night, we all hung out, played music, chilled in the hot tub, and had a generally good time welcoming in the New Year. Saturday the Cowleys had a fun open house, with more music, good food, and good people, and in the evening Kelly, Meryl, Derek, Rachel and I hung out and went out to eat. Kelly and I came back to down to Tucson this morning (Sunday). A great weekend, but it’s back to work tomorrow. Here are some photos from up there.