Sunday, January 02, 2005

A New Year

Kelly and I went up to Phoenix for the weekend to visit with Derek Rose and Meryl Cowley. It was a great time. On Friday afternoon, we hiked up Camelback Mountain. It’s a fairly steep hike, but only 1.2 miles each way. Many of the Cowleys went along, and we all had a good time, and all made it to the top.

Friday night, we all hung out, played music, chilled in the hot tub, and had a generally good time welcoming in the New Year. Saturday the Cowleys had a fun open house, with more music, good food, and good people, and in the evening Kelly, Meryl, Derek, Rachel and I hung out and went out to eat. Kelly and I came back to down to Tucson this morning (Sunday). A great weekend, but it’s back to work tomorrow. Here are some photos from up there.


Blogger Anna said...

sounds like a wonderful way to welcome in the new year!
and thanks for the photos! very fun to see... :)

9:37 PM, January 03, 2005  

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