Thursday, September 29, 2005

Busy Life

Well, it’s been a busy week. Lots of work, school, and stuff. Monday I had a test in Design, plus I had one yesterday. And Tuesday I worked thirteen hours, which is pretty exhausting. So on Wednesday, I worked a short day, but I had to come home and do homework until my 5:00pm class. Busy, busy, busy.

Today I was working down in Hereford, about two hours from Tucson, with Travis and Troy. We really kicked the job, almost finishing a two-day job in one. Even though Travis is going to have to go back tomorrow for a little finish up work, it’ll still be well under estimate. It’s good when work goes smoothly like that. I feel like I’m in a great groove lately—not making many mistakes, and turning out quality work in a good time. Feels good.

Other that that, not a whole lot is going on right now. Kelly and I had a nice hang out this evening, which was good. And tomorrow I’ll be heading down to Parker Canyon Lake with Troy to do some service work. Also, I’ll post a couple of photos of Kelly and I on the mountain last weekend. I need to get out and take more photos, I’ve been missing that. And I haven’t been playing guitar for much too long. Life, life.


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