Wednesday, August 18, 2004

And On to the Next Thing...

Well, now that class is done, and since I have no talent at not overscheduling myself, I'm going to be studying like crazy for the NABCEP exam. It's a solar-electric certification. I know a fair bit of the stuff, but I need to brush up, and learn some of the electric code stuff that I don't know. I have about a month until the exam, but art school will start again in about ten days, so I'm planning to devote some of my "extra" time now to get the major part of the studying out of the way. Why, oh why won't life slow down...

I'm also still apartment hunting. I had seen one that I really liked, but it's taken. It was really quite nice, in a quiet neighborhood, and I liked it. But it was a little more expensive that I'd hoped, so it's probably for the best, since all my money should go to school and that kind of stuff now. So I'm looking around, and seeing what I can find that's niceish and not to pricy.


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