Thursday, September 29, 2005

View to the north of the Catalinas.


Kelly on the rock.

Inspiring plants. Or something.

This is Inspiration Rock, on Mount Lemmon.

Busy Life

Well, it’s been a busy week. Lots of work, school, and stuff. Monday I had a test in Design, plus I had one yesterday. And Tuesday I worked thirteen hours, which is pretty exhausting. So on Wednesday, I worked a short day, but I had to come home and do homework until my 5:00pm class. Busy, busy, busy.

Today I was working down in Hereford, about two hours from Tucson, with Travis and Troy. We really kicked the job, almost finishing a two-day job in one. Even though Travis is going to have to go back tomorrow for a little finish up work, it’ll still be well under estimate. It’s good when work goes smoothly like that. I feel like I’m in a great groove lately—not making many mistakes, and turning out quality work in a good time. Feels good.

Other that that, not a whole lot is going on right now. Kelly and I had a nice hang out this evening, which was good. And tomorrow I’ll be heading down to Parker Canyon Lake with Troy to do some service work. Also, I’ll post a couple of photos of Kelly and I on the mountain last weekend. I need to get out and take more photos, I’ve been missing that. And I haven’t been playing guitar for much too long. Life, life.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

This is an exercise for design class. I actually went way overboard on it, since I was having fun. The basic idea is to take a orginal photo and crop it in different ways, to highlight a particular message the photo can convey.

Ok, what are these cacti doing? Points for creative answers.

This is a 5KW solar-electric job that I was recently the lead technician on.

A Little Electrical Work

Well, this afternoon I did a little electrical work for Lex and Grace. They have a hot tub that needed a dedicated outlet put in, and want to run power to a shed at some point. So I installed a couple of breakers, and ran ½” conduit over to where the outlet needs to be. Twas good.

I’m Not Dead Yet!

Ok folks, I’m really not dead. Just busy. Kelly and Emily asked me why I hadn’t posted anything to my blog for a long time. I said to Kelly,  “Because I haven’t been doing anything.” Which isn’t exactly accurate. I just haven’t been taking photos of anything. (Well, almost. I do have a couple of photos to post).

Last week, work was pretty dang crazy. This week, work was ok, but I was sick, getting really bad headaches. I quit early on Thursday, and took Friday off to rest, and get to a chiropractor. I was going to go to a doctor, but wasn’t able to find someone who would take me on short notice. It was just as well, since I feel a lot better after being adjusted. And Kelly has been doing a lot of Reiki on me, which helps tremendously.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

More view.

I went climbing today with some friends. Here's me rappelling down after the last climb I did.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Flower petals that happened to fall in Kelly's hair.

Reflections in the water. We had fun skipping stones on the stream.

Grace and Lex. (Sorry Lex, but you did make faces in all the photos.) :-)

Kelly and Lauren by the stream.

Pokeberry berries

Cicada shell. Lauren collected two.


Lauren and Kelly.

Leaves. I love textures.

It started raining just as we got back to the covered shelter. It was a nice rain.

Lauren took this cool shot of a grasshopper.

A bug-made snake.

Wolly Morning Glory

Patagonia Creek. The preserve is all Nature Conservancy land.


We took quite a few photos, between Lex's camera, and mine. Grace and I enjoyed taking some macro shots.

Lauren took some neat shots in the car on the way to Patagonia. This, out of a book, of course. Sharp for a driving shot!


Well, I’m  back to school, as of last Wednesday. I’m taking two classes—Creative Thinking, and Design 121. Creative thinking is going to be fun. The teacher is very eclectic, and has a fun teaching style. Very scattered, but cool. The class is going to help break some boxes that I’ve set up for myself, which is a great process.

Design will also be good. A good group of students, and a good teacher. I’m really looking forward to doing more layout work. I still have to post some photos of the trip that Lex, Grace, Lauren, Kelly, and I took to the Patagonia Bird Sanctuary last weekend. I’ll do that in a few.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Louis' Wedding Band.

Kelly's Wedding Band

Kelly's engagement and betrothal ring. The betrothal ring slips in behind the engagement ring.